Jiahui Luo ☕️
Jiahui Luo

罗嘉辉 | Postdoc Researcher

About Me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University. My research focuses on exploiting the mechanical intelligence of rigid-flexible robots using advanced computational methods and machine learning tools.

My doctoral study, being advised by Prof. Zhigang Wu, was on advancing the field of tensegrity robots through innovative mechanical modeling and computer methods. Before that, I worked on parallel computing and statistical analysis of turbulent flow, under the mentorship of Prof. Yun Bao.

I am the creator of Rible.jl (逸步), an open-source Julia package devoted to the computational design of rigid-flexible robots.

When my research gets stuck, I enjoy (not in the psychoanalytic sense) swimming, readings, and movies.

  • Differentiable Simulation
  • Multibody System Dynamics
  • Frictional Contact and Impact
  • Computational Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Tensegrity Robotics
  • Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics

    Sun Yat-sen University Shenzhen Campus

  • MSc in Fluid Mechanics

    Sun Yat-sen University

  • BSc in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

    Sun Yat-sen University

Featured Publications
Other Publications
(2024). Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Crocodile-Like Robot. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics.
(2023). A Tensegrity Robotic Fish Driven by a Sliding Crank-Pendulum Mechanism. 2023 5th International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Control and Artificial Intelligence (RICAI).
(2023). Constructing Time Integration with Controllable Errors for Constrained Mechanical Systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
(2021). Design and Experiments of a Bio-Inspired Tensegrity Spine Robot for Active Space Debris Capturing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Ongoing Projects